
Vladimir Orlić, PhD, Director of the Security Information Agency



Born on April 15, 1983 in Belgrade.

He finished Jovan Popović Elementary School in Obrenovac (1998), the Mathematical Grammar School in Belgrade (2002), and graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Belgrade – Desk of Electronics, Telecommunications and Automation at Department of Telecommunications (2007), where he obtained a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Department of Telecommunications and Information Technologies (2011). In 2022, he was elected to the scientific title "senior research associate in the field of technical and technological sciences – electronics, telecommunications and information technologies".

He was a multiple scholarship recipient of the Ministry of Education and Sports of the Republic of Serbia, a scholarship recipient of the Fund of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for Young Talents, and a scholarship recipient of the Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Society of the Republic of Serbia. He won the prize for the best work of a young author at the TELFOR 2007 conference.

After completing his studies, he worked in the positions of research and development engineer, head of the Digital Signal Processing Department, senior engineer, as well as in the position of system architect.

He is the author of more than 100 scientific and professional works, technical solutions and patents, participant in several projects of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. He is a long-term member of the commission for proposing prizes for young authors at the TELFOR conference, a member of several different professional associations under the auspices of the IEEE, a reviewer and board member in international professional journals and conferences, a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute. In September 2022, he was decorated with Đorđe Stratimirović’s Cross.

As of 2014, he served as MP at the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, where he was a member of several working bodies, parliamentary delegations and PGP. He served as President of the Parliamentary Committee for Stabilization and Association with the EU - Serbia (2014, 2016, 2020), Vice President of the National Assembly from 2020 to 2022 and President of the National Assembly from 2022 to 2024.

He completed training and education in the Course of reserve officers of the Serbian Armed Forces in 2010, where he obtained the rank of reserve second lieutenant of the Serbian Armed Forces.

He speaks English.

Married to Anđelka, father of Nikolina, Sofija and Anastasija.

He lives and works in Belgrade.