Letter to the Minister of Internal Affairs, Djordje A. Gencic - Nis, September 15, 1899.

27. November 2018.

Confidential, No. 2867 
Nis, September 15, 1899.

Dear Minister, In response to Your letter received on the 6th day of previous month, it is my honor to inform You that I contacted our Missions in Paris and Vienna with request to obtain and send to us regulations of the secret polices from the respective countries, which we would use as bases for the organization of our future secret police. In that regard, I received an answer from the Royal Mission in Paris, which states that, upon the official request, the French Minister of Internal Affairs responded it would be rather difficult to send the satisfying answer to our aforementioned request by letter. He believes that it would be much better to send a special delegate of ours to Paris, who would, on the spot and in short period of time, obtain all the directions he could be interested in. While reporting on this, it is my honor to send (sequel on the next page: to You copy of the letter of the French Minister of Foreign Affairs on that subject. I pray You Minister to accept the assurance of my highest consideration.). 
To Mister, Mister Djordje A. Gencic, Minister of Internal Affairs

The Archive of Serbia, MUD P-1899-II
Letter to the Minister of Internal Affairs Djordje A. Gencic

Letter to the Minister of Internal Affairs, Djordje A. Gencic Letter to the Minister of Internal Affairs, Djordje A. Gencic