Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs for security check of the candidate nominated for municipal president - Nis, January 21, 1900.

27. November 2018.

To the Head of Nis County Mr. Tosa Stankovic 
January 21, 1900, Nis 
"exped. 21-1-900." 


I found out that Petko Veljkovic from Grkinja, reserve lieutenant that you nominated for Grkinja municipality president, gave, earlier when he was the president, the amount of 3,000 dinars to the people of Vilandrica village for some land, without the approval of the State Council, so the municipality is at present deprived of both money and the land. Before I reach the decision whether to appoint him or not as the municipal president, I advise you to instantly inform me on the aforementioned. At the same time, you will present me with list containing the names of the remaining candidates from that municipality, apart from Petko, accompanied by the assessment made on them, in line with orders of my predecessor published in the announcement regarding the submission of such lists.


The Archive of Serbia, MUD P-1900-I
Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs for security check of the candidate nominated for the municipal president.

Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs for security check of the candidate nominated for municipal president Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs for security check of the candidate nominated for municipal president